Residential Solar
Photovoltaic cells, or solar cells, convert sunlight into electricity. Solar PV Systems utilize use large panels made up of many solar cells connected together to work in unison. The DC electricity generated by the Solar PV System runs through a piece of specialized equipment called an inverter, which converts the DC power to AC (alternating current) so that it can be used in a home.
Many states have utilities that allow these Solar PV Systems to feed energy back into the grid during times when the PV System is producing more energy than is being used by the home. In this way, a Solar PV System can completely reduce the monthly utility bill for a home. Some utilities (such as those in the TVA area) will even pay the homeowner for the surplus energy its Solar PV System generates each year!
Are you tired of skyrocketing electricity bills that never seem to go down no matter what you do? By harnessing the power of solar energy for use in your home, you can achieve independence from the utility company and control your own utility cost. Wish a residential solar quote, we will engineer a system enabling you to enjoy unblievable savings each month with top of the line solar energy equipment that we have been installing for generations.
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